In an increasingly globalized world, legal proceedings often cross international borders. This presents a unique set of challenges for process service. At 360 Legal, we pride ourselves on our ability to navigate these complexities and deliver reliable, effective...
In the complex world of legal proceedings, process service is crucial in ensuring that every party involved receives due notice. One key aspect of process service that upholds the integrity of this process is the Proof of Service. At 360 Legal, we understand this...
Today we are streaming Josh Watson, Senior Technology Manager at 360 Legal. Josh Watson handles all the software development over here at 360 Legal. Josh (00:18): How do we use technology to make the placement of service of process as easy as possible? What we start...
The importance of integrity when running a client-focused service of process company cannot be overstated. Building trust and credibility with clients is essential for any business, particularly when providing service of process involving the disclosure of sensitive...
Technology has revolutionized numerous industries, including the legal sector and process service, in the digital age. At 360 Legal, we have embraced this shift, leveraging state-of-the-art technology to enhance our services, improve efficiency, and provide...