AirDrop, and Service of Process – a National First For the first time ever, a court in the US authorized Service of Process by way of a tokenized airdrop. This came to our attention from an article published in Lexology by Shumaker, Loop & Kendrick. At 360Legal,...
Is your Legal Service vendor offshoring your e-Filing or other services they are providing your firm? The real answer might surprise you! Running a client-first company, I’m always on the lookout to see how other companies measure up and if they are Client...
An In-Depth Examination of Process Service – Service Service of process is the procedure by which a party to a lawsuit sends an appropriate notice of initial legal action to another party (such as a defendant), court, or administrative body in order to exercise...
Letters Rogatory and Service Of Process Letters rogatory, also known as letters of request, are formal requests for judicial assistance from a court to a foreign court. Service of process and taking of evidence are the two most common remedies sought by letters...
WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT THE 120-DAY RULE (Adapted from Pg 91, Vol. 73, No. 6 June 1999 Gerald D. Schackow Trial Attorneys) In Florida, According to Rule of Civil Procedure 1.070 (j), a complaint must be served on the defendant within 120 days of its filing. If it...