360 Legal Short Notes – Service Affidavits An affidavit is a written or printed declaration or statement of facts made freely, affirmed by the oath or affirmation of the person making it, and presented to an officer with the authority to administer the oath. An...
Scott Foeller’s Interview Series EPISODE 5 Well, you hear me talk about integrations and their criticality in what we do for any type of law firm that has any meaningful volume. The integration becomes just so critical to your operations and one of the things with 360...
360 Legal Short Notes – Work Product of the Process Server The proof or affidavit of service filed by a professional process server attests to the fact that the legal process was served on a specific person or entity in the way prescribed by law. The proof of...
Scott Foeller’s Interview Series EPISODE 4 The decision between hiring the Sheriff’s department to serve your papers versus a private process server involves a couple of different aspects in our experience. Sheriff typically will make one or maybe two attempts...
360 Legal Short Notes – Effected and Completed The day that the legal process is delivered, communicated, or sent to a party is referred to as “effected.” The term “completed” refers to the point at which a legal process becomes legally...