Bill’s Interview Series EPISODE 3

Bill’s Interview Series EPISODE 3

Welcome to the 360 Legal Process Server Podcast, where we discuss all things service of process. Today we are streaming Bill Newland, Vice President of Business Development at 360 Legal.

In this segment, we discuss the impact to attorney success metrics driven from outside the firm, like process, service, and other legal services.

Interviewer::How much of the metrics that law firms are evaluated against in these tools actually rely on resources outside of their immediate control? For instance, obviously with 360 Process Serving.

Bill Newland

The attorneys are relying on their vendors, whether it’s 360 Legal, a process serving company, whether it’s a skip trace company, whether it’s your [00:01:00] e-filing of your documents, utilizing a case management system, you have several different pieces that go into a law firm’s ability to manage the files.

The clients are reliant on those attorneys to provide the information back to them and also, of course, provide specific information as far as legal aspects, whether it’s foreclosure, bankruptcy, evictions, or REO closings.

But it’s important that the metrics are there for them to be able to say, I’m getting foreclosure files done with this one law firm in the state of Florida in 270 days. But I’m also able to get the metrics with this other law firm at 250 days, I have 800 files with the firm that’s doing 270 and I only have 50 files with the attorney that’s doing 250, I’m losing 20 days in reference to the rest of those files, and so that can be a big gap as far as the ability for lawfirms to get additional business from the clients, whether it’s an investor who makes the decision as far as which attorney they want to use, or it could be the client as far as a servicing client, being able to make that decision. It’s very tough when you start to compare the metrics and if I’m a law firm and I’m doing a 250 and I go to the client and say, Look, my performance is excellent.

Is there any way that we could look to try to get maybe some additional work? Much different if you’re at 270 and the rest of the firms are at 250, there’s no way you can get additional work. They’re gonna look to collapse your files, potentially, move those files, which becomes an economic problem for your law firm.

For us as 360 Legal, it’s the same aspect. For us, it’s about going out and being able to s ay to the clients, and in our case attorney firms going to the attorney saying, Hey look, we just want a chance. We wanna be your secondary provider. Give us some files. Let us show you what we can do in reference to those files.

Because ultimately when you start to look at the timelines, we’ll be able to collapse some of those days as far as to process service, getting you the information, which then helps you with your overall timeline with the client. We wanna be able to make more money for the attorneys by getting additional business coming through the door.

More business for the client for us, which is the attorney, means potentially more business for 360 Legal. Ultimately, we want to be in a win-win situation with what I consider our partners. It’s just not our clients. They’re our partners because they want us to perform just as well as we want to perform.

And it’s important that you have that relationship between the two companies to where I can pick up the phone and call a managing partner and ensure, hey, you know, we’re not getting some information back that we need from the law firm.

Just as quick as that partner or line level agent can call 360 Legal and be able to get their answers right away also. And it’s one of the things that Mike, when he hired me was, “Bill, we’re a Client First Focused company.” That’s the first thing that he told me when we had our conversation and I told him, “That’s fantastic because I’m a client first person.”

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"5 star service ! prompt serving, helpful, professional . "

Lorrie B.

"Mike is awesome. Our firm has hired him on several occasions and we are very happy with his work. His prompt serving, helpful, professional and always in communication. I recommend him highly! "

Diana R.

"360Legal provides speedy and easy to use Process Service that is flexible, and very transparent with nearly instant reporting. It is very helpful for us to be able to track the status of our process service jobs, especially when they are time sensitive. "

Kim L.

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