Recently, we encountered a critical serve request with a looming court deadline. The attorney, distressed after being rejected by two other processors, sought our assistance. Despite a busy schedule, one of our dedicated process servers swiftly intervened. He...
Subrogation Litigation Subrogation disputes add complexities beyond typical insurance litigation. For property and casualty insurers seeking reimbursement, successfully serving case documents requires navigating a web of challenges. This article explains why our...
Establish Yourself as a Knowledgeable Professional We understand the ins and outs of legal procedures and rules that vary across counties and types of cases. Clients can trust that we know what we’re doing and will avoid mistakes that could jeopardize their...
Serving legal documents like lawsuits, subpoenas, and eviction notices is a critical first step in many legal matters. However, finding a reliable process server who clearly communicates and meets strict deadlines can be daunting. At 360 Legal, we provide attentive,...
E-filing legal documents seems easy enough. Upload a PDF and hit submit, right? But what happens when there’s a small mistake that leads to the wrong file being submitted or attached to the wrong case? The consequences can be huge – from lawsuits and...
The Critical Role of Integrity in Process Service Integrity is the cornerstone of the legal system. Process servers, tasked with delivering important legal documents, play a pivotal role in upholding the sanctity of this system. Integrity in Process Serving: A...