Myth #4 – Process Servers Disguise Themselves
You have to love Hollywood for taking a relatively dull job and filling it with romance and drama! Forget the silly wigs and dumb disguises.
No, process servers don’t disguise themselves to trick the defendant into being served.
Forget the manic crazed rush to serve a subpoena at all costs. There are means to serve a subpoena or other court documents if the defendant makes it difficult to serve them. Extraordinary measures are not a requirement, nor are they a part of the job. A Process Server is simply a professional, using reasonable means to give the defendant the notification that they need to represent themselves in a lawsuit. By and Large, Process servers handle themselves professionally and expeditiously. A known avoider, someone that tries to dodge the process server, is going to fail in their attempt to avoid being served, as there are other means of serving process if the defendant can’t be reasonably reached. Dodging the process server might end up being served by publication, and unless the defendant reads the legal publications that the state authorizes for service by publication, they might miss the opportunity to defend themselves in court! Don’t dodge the process server, they are a part of due process, and are really trying to help the defendant exercise their rights.
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