Certified Process Servers

So with everything that’s been written in this series regarding service of process in the state of Florida one question has so far gone unanswered: Who can be certified to serve process? While there are certainly laws pertaining to this (we’ll cover that in an...

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Return of Execution of Process

As in any legal environment verification and proof is essential at each step of the operation in order to provide protection for all parties involved. In the case of service of process there is a ‘return-of-service’ form that needs to be completed by the serving party...

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Service of Process on Sunday

This part of the Florida statutes raises an interesting question: Can process be served on Sundays? There is no simple response to that question, the answer to which has a qualifier. The short answer is that serving any writ, process, warrant, order or other such...

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Service of a Foreign Process

Another situation that may come up infrequently but is included for the sake of completeness is the condition where a service of process issued by a court other than the state of Florida is to be served. Service of a foreign process is not much different than a...

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Personal Service Outside the State – Part 2

We’re currently addressing service of process to parties outside the state, so let’s continue with the next part of this statute, which deals with a situation where in rem relief is sought pertaining to foreclosure. What exactly does “in rem” mean? Simply put, this...

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19th Judicial Circuit - Service of Process Suspended. (Martin, Saint Lucie, Indian River, and Okeechobee Counties) issued Administrative Order AO 2020-01. This was later followed up by a letter of clarification from Chief Judge Lawrence Mirman who confirmed the...

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Personal Service Outside the State – Part 1

This statute is one of the longer ones about which we’ve written, so we’ll be breaking it up into multiple parts, with successive parts following one another in the series. This statute deals with the service of process on someone outside the state. Odd as that might...

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Recent Posts

Certified Process Servers

So with everything that’s been written in this series regarding service of process in the state of Florida one question has so far gone unanswered: Who can be certified to serve process? While there are certainly laws pertaining to this (we’ll cover that in an...

Return of Execution of Process

As in any legal environment verification and proof is essential at each step of the operation in order to provide protection for all parties involved. In the case of service of process there is a ‘return-of-service’ form that needs to be completed by the serving party...

Service of Process on Sunday

This part of the Florida statutes raises an interesting question: Can process be served on Sundays? There is no simple response to that question, the answer to which has a qualifier. The short answer is that serving any writ, process, warrant, order or other such...

International Commercial Arbitration Act – Part 2

The first part of this article covered who is to receive the actual service of process when it’s related to the Florida International Commercial Arbitration Act. In the second part of the article, we’ll take a look at how to actually go about it. First of all, the...

Florida International Commercial Arbitration Act

When it comes to service of process the Florida statues are pretty all-encompassing, even addressing such specialized circumstances as process service as applied to the Florida International Commercial Arbitration Act. There are different levels of service with the...

Service of a Foreign Process

Another situation that may come up infrequently but is included for the sake of completeness is the condition where a service of process issued by a court other than the state of Florida is to be served. Service of a foreign process is not much different than a...

Personal Service Outside the State – Part 2

We’re currently addressing service of process to parties outside the state, so let’s continue with the next part of this statute, which deals with a situation where in rem relief is sought pertaining to foreclosure. What exactly does “in rem” mean? Simply put, this...


19th Judicial Circuit - Service of Process Suspended. (Martin, Saint Lucie, Indian River, and Okeechobee Counties) issued Administrative Order AO 2020-01. This was later followed up by a letter of clarification from Chief Judge Lawrence Mirman who confirmed the...

Personal Service Outside the State – Part 1

This statute is one of the longer ones about which we’ve written, so we’ll be breaking it up into multiple parts, with successive parts following one another in the series. This statute deals with the service of process on someone outside the state. Odd as that might...

Service on Nonresidents Operating Aircraft/Watercraft

So far in this series, we’ve seen quite a laundry list of different circumstances and conditions under which process can be served, and the manner in which it must be served depending upon the intended recipient. The further down in the list of statutes we go the more...

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