Service on Nonresident Motor Vehicle Owners

The actual procedure for service of process as outlined in this statute is fairly straightforward but is overshadowed by the litany of definitions involved in describing exactly what is meant by a ‘nonresident motor vehicle owner’, so it would be best to dispense with...

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Process Service on Dissolved Corporations

As mandated by Florida Statute 48.101, if a corporation was dissolved prior to July 1, 1990, and process is to be served on one or more of the directors of that corporation then the court system regards that as being served against all directors of that corporation,...

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Service of Process On Partnerships

Partnerships and limited partnerships are legally different from corporations. If you need a service of process, against a Partnership, here's the "how to". Serving any partner in the partnership is adequate for serving the partnership. An employee may be designated...

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Thank A Mail Carrier Day

National Postal Worker Day on July 1st recognizes postal workers all across the nation. The day encourages us to show our appreciation. Thank the numerous men and women who work consistently and diligently to deliver all of our mail. These employees suffer some of the...

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Service of Process On State Prisoners

Incarcerated? Isolated from Process Servers? Not the case. Few of the Florida Statutes are as clear and brief on any topic. Florida Statutes have a 10-word response to how to serve process on someone that is incarcerated. (State Prisoners) 48.051 Service on state...

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Recent Posts

Service on Nonresident Motor Vehicle Owners

The actual procedure for service of process as outlined in this statute is fairly straightforward but is overshadowed by the litany of definitions involved in describing exactly what is meant by a ‘nonresident motor vehicle owner’, so it would be best to dispense with...

Method of Substituted Service on Nonresident

Yet another situation regarding service of process that is covered by the Florida statutes is when a process must be served on either a non-resident or a person who is concealing their whereabouts. Provided it has been approved by law, service can be made on an...

Service on Statutory Agents for Certain Persons

As imposing as the term “statutory agent” (also known as a resident agent or registered agent) sounds, it’s really nothing more than a party that has been designated to act on behalf of some business entity, e.g.individuals, corporations, or labor unions. Often when...

Process Service on Dissolved Corporations

As mandated by Florida Statute 48.101, if a corporation was dissolved prior to July 1, 1990, and process is to be served on one or more of the directors of that corporation then the court system regards that as being served against all directors of that corporation,...

Service of Process on Financial Institutions

Service of process on any sort of financial institution is addressed by Florida Statute 48.092 which, in turn, refers to another statute, 655.0201, for details of the process. The first specifications pertain to location and time of service. Per this statute, a...

Service of Process against an out of state partnership

Let’s say that you have a tenant, that is a partnership, and they are in default of their lease.  The tenant has an office manager in the office, however, the partnership is a Georgia partnership.  The Georgia partnership has a Florida office in Sarasota....

Service of Process On Partnerships

Partnerships and limited partnerships are legally different from corporations. If you need a service of process, against a Partnership, here's the "how to". Serving any partner in the partnership is adequate for serving the partnership. An employee may be designated...

Thank A Mail Carrier Day

National Postal Worker Day on July 1st recognizes postal workers all across the nation. The day encourages us to show our appreciation. Thank the numerous men and women who work consistently and diligently to deliver all of our mail. These employees suffer some of the...

Service of Process On State Prisoners

Incarcerated? Isolated from Process Servers? Not the case. Few of the Florida Statutes are as clear and brief on any topic. Florida Statutes have a 10-word response to how to serve process on someone that is incarcerated. (State Prisoners) 48.051 Service on state...

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