We know you need a reliable trusted partner to help recover your interest.
As with the other legal sectors that we serve, our experience, reliability and comprehensive service offerings give us the necessary skills to excel in this sector. Subrogation is not a widely known part of insurance litigation but is essential in the world in which we live. When insurance companies are attempting to recover their financial interest, they can count on us to process their case load, deliver their subpoenas, and retrieve requested records with due care and diligence.
Our network of professionals is equipped with the experience, reliability, comprehensive services and technology to process a high volume of subrogation cases, subpoenas, and other court documents.
In our experience these parties can be difficult to locate and in addition to our specialized investigators, 360 THEIA™ provides another unique tool that enables us to have a very high success rate in finding and serving individuals in subrogation matters.
Relax, It’s 360 Legal!